Plumed Whistling Duck
Dendrocygna eytoni

- FamilyAnatidae (Ducks, geese and swans)
- Weight0,5 – 1 kg
- HabitatCoastal areas, grasslands
Duck down under
The Plumed whistling duck is native to Australia. It is mainly found in the northeast of the continent. As herbivore, it benefits from the expansion of agricultural pastures. The population is considered stable. In the dry season, Plumed whistling ducks gather in large flocks near permanent bodies of water.

The other duckling
Due to its long neck and habit of resting in trees, the scientific name of the Whistling duck translates as “tree swan”. They are easily distinguished from other ducks by their upright stance and long legs. The males of this species have bright orange eyes, while the females’ eyes are yellow.
The Plumed whistling duck gets its name from the prominent, crescent-shaped plumes extending from its flanks.