Here you will find all press releases, selected image material for editorial use and the accreditation form. Please note the copyright information below.

[Translate to English:] Ein Eisvogel beim Auer Mühlbach.

Hellabrunner Naturschutz AG joins river cleanup

Hellabrunner Naturschutz AG, the zoo’s conservation team, and trainees at the animal park in Munich joined the annual cleanup of the Auer Mühlbach …

Hellabrunner Naturschutz AG joins river cleanup
Murmeltier mit Heu

Golden autumn at Hellabrunn Zoo

The beautiful weather is set to continue this weekend with temperatures in Munich expected to hit the 20°C mark.

Golden autumn at Hellabrunn Zoo
[Translate to English:] Ein Vikunja Jungtier geht über eine grüne Wiese.

News from the South America geozone at Hellabrunn Zoo

A few weeks ago, two new, very special residents joined the community: a male Darwin’s rhea and the recently born vicuña cria.

News from the South America geozone at Hellabrunn Zoo
[Translate to English:] Marderkaninchen sitzend im Hellabrunner Mühlendorf

Meet the new sable rabbits in Hellabrunn’s Mühlendorf village

Celebrate the final days of summer with a visit to Hellabrunn Zoo and meet the newly arrived sable rabbits in the Mühlendorf

Meet the new sable rabbits in Hellabrunn’s Mühlendorf village
[Translate to English:] Mähnenrobbe mit Jungtier

Hellabrunn Zoo’s new bundle of joy: Meet baby sea lion Xana

There is a welcome addition to the Polar World at Hellabrunn Zoo: On 29 July, an adorable baby sea lion was born.

Hellabrunn Zoo’s new bundle of joy: Meet baby sea lion Xana
[Translate to English:] Zwei Erdmännchen-Jungtiere.

Meet the baby meerkats at Hellabrunn Zoo: Four become six – at least!

The pups are developing well and their weights of 520 grams is within the normal range. The twins have now been given the names Xola and Xamari.

Meet the baby meerkats at Hellabrunn Zoo: Four become six – at least!
Neuer Nyala-Bock auf Anlage in Hellabrunn

Hellabrunn Zoo revamps nyala enclosure and welcomes new buck

With the work now completed, the three females, accompanied by a new buck, have moved back into the enclosure, where they can now be seen by visitors.

Hellabrunn Zoo revamps nyala enclosure and welcomes new buck
Das Hellabrunn Team bastelt auf Biertischen aus alten Kalendern Tüten und Versandtaschen.

CLIMATE, ANIMALS & US action weekend at Hellabrunn Zoo was a resounding success

Hellabrunn Zoo is delighted with the positive feedback from its action weekend to raise awareness about climate, nature and species protection.

CLIMATE, ANIMALS & US action weekend at Hellabrunn Zoo was a resounding success
[Translate to English:] Der Moment der Auswilderung bei den Alpensteinböcken

From Hellabrunn Zoo to Austria: Young Alpine ibex successfully reintroduced into the wild

After weeks and months of planning for that one special moment, it was all over in a matter of seconds.

From Hellabrunn Zoo to Austria: Young Alpine ibex successfully reintroduced into the wild
Die beiden Löwen Max und Benny auf der neuen Hellabrunner Löwenanlage

Hellabrunn Zoo presents Annual Report 2022 at Annual General Meeting

On 3 April 2022, the Hellabrunn Zoo team were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief: On this day, the last remaining coronavirus restrictions were …

Hellabrunn Zoo presents Annual Report 2022 at Annual General Meeting

Press and Media contact

Lisa Reininger
press spokeswoman

Phone: +49(0)89 62508-718
Fax: +49(0)89 62508-52

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Ein Zebra.
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