News from Hellabrunn

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The latest news

[Translate to English:] Gruppenbild Lesefest mit Verena Dietl, 3. Bürgermeisterin und Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende

Lesefuchse e.V. opens 15th reading festival at Hellabrunn Zoo

On Thursday, 15 June, Hellabrunn Zoo hosted a reading event for Lesefüchse e.V., an association aimed at promoting reading among primary school …

Lesefuchse e.V. opens 15th reading festival at Hellabrunn Zoo
[Translate to English:] Zwei Elch-Jungtiere mit ihrer Mutter.

Birth of elk twins delights everyone at Hellabrunn Zoo

Hellabrunn Zoo welcomed the birth of two elk calves in late May. The twins, a boy named Xantorin and a girl named Xyntia, underwent their first health …

Birth of elk twins delights everyone at Hellabrunn Zoo
[Translate to English:] Hinweisschild an der Anlage der Shetlandponys zum Fütterungsverbot.

Hellabrunn Zoo appeals to visitors: Please follow zoo rules and do not feed the animals!

Please follow the zoo rules! Visitors violating the rules have been a problem for the zoo, especially as they have been established to ensure the …

Hellabrunn Zoo appeals to visitors: Please follow zoo rules and do not feed the animals!
[Translate to English:] blick in den bienenstock

World Bee Day 2023: Hellabrunn Zoo raises awareness of importance of protecting buzzing pollinators

Tomorrow is World Bee Day. The event, which takes place on 20 May each year, aims to raise awareness of the threats to one of the hardest working …

World Bee Day 2023: Hellabrunn Zoo raises awareness of importance of protecting buzzing pollinators
8 Kunekune-Ferkel

Hellabrunn Zoo celebrates birth of adorable Kunekune piglets

Hellabrunn Zoo has welcomed the arrival of a litter of Kunekune piglets.

Hellabrunn Zoo celebrates birth of adorable Kunekune piglets
[Translate to English:] Wasserschwein Männchen

New male capybara settles in at Hellabrunn Zoo

The species-rich South America enclosure at Hellabrunn Zoo has a new member: a male capybara named Wadras.

New male capybara settles in at Hellabrunn Zoo
[Translate to English:] Eisvogel sitzend auf Ast.

Naturschutz AG survey finds 41 native bird species at Hellabrunn Zoo

Every year in April, Naturschutz AG, Hellabrunn Zoo’s in-house conservation team, conducts a survey of the native bird species living in the park.

Naturschutz AG survey finds 41 native bird species at Hellabrunn Zoo
[Translate to English:] Der Bauerngarten im Mühlendorf im Sommer.

Hellabrunn Zoo calls for working together to save the planet on Earth Day

On 22 April 2023, the United Nations (UN) celebrated Earth Day around the world, a day dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of working …

Hellabrunn Zoo calls for working together to save the planet on Earth Day
[Translate to English:] Ein Pinselohrschwein mit seiner Osterüberraschung.

Easter hunt at Hellabrunn Zoo

Spring is in full bloom at Hellabrunn Zoo, just in time for Easter.

Easter hunt at Hellabrunn Zoo
[Translate to English:] Parkplatz P2

New barrier-free parking system at Hellabrunn Zoo

On 30 March, a new, barrier-free parking system was installed in the P2 car park on Siebenbrunner Strasse.

New barrier-free parking system at Hellabrunn Zoo