News from Hellabrunn

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The latest news

[Translate to English:] Zwei Rotschulter-Rüsselhündchen.

Hellabrunn Zoo presents Annual Report for 2023 at AGM

Münchener Tierpark Hellabrunn AG (Hellabrunn Zoo) looks back on a successful financial year 2023 and assesses its zoological, commercial and …

Hellabrunn Zoo presents Annual Report for 2023 at AGM
[Translate to English:] Luchs-Nachwuchs spielend mit Mutter auf Anlage

Adorable triplet lynx kittens born at Hellabrunn Zoo

Hellabrunn Zoo is pleased to announce the recent birth of lynx triplets. The little ones, now six weeks old, are doing well.

Adorable triplet lynx kittens born at Hellabrunn Zoo
[Translate to English:] Rasem Baban neben Verena Dietl mit neuer Artenschutzstrategie

Hellabrunn Zoo launches new conservation strategy – Together for Biodiversity

Hellabrunn Zoo has taken an important step to maximise its impact in the global fight against extinction with the launch of a new conservation …

Hellabrunn Zoo launches new conservation strategy – Together for Biodiversity
[Translate to English:] Zwei Tierpfleger kümmern sich um die Füße eines asiatischen Elefantenbullen.

Animal wellness: Spa treatments for zoo residents

Grooming plays an important role in ensuring animals stay clean and healthy.

Animal wellness: Spa treatments for zoo residents
[Translate to English:] Silbergibbon im Tierpark Hellabrunn

Hellabrunn Zoo welcomes EAZA full membership certification

Following the successful screening by a team of inspectors from the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) last year, Hellabrunn Zoo has been …

Hellabrunn Zoo welcomes EAZA full membership certification
[Translate to English:] Polizei Hundestaffel im Tierpark Hellabrunn

Sniffer dog training at Hellabrunn Zoo

Last week Hellabrunn Zoo welcomed a special group of visitors: the Munich Police Dog Unit.

Sniffer dog training at Hellabrunn Zoo
[Translate to English:] Zwei Waschbären plündern einen türkisfarbenen Korb, gefüllt mit Ostereiern.

Colourful Easter treats for meerkats, raccoons and Arctic foxes

The Easter holidays mark the start of the busy season at Hellabrunn Zoo: the last of the winter gravel is swept from the paths, the meadows and trees …

Colourful Easter treats for meerkats, raccoons and Arctic foxes
Eine Raubwanze.

Insects as living syringes: Using predatory bugs to collect blood samples

Taking blood samples from wild animals can be a challenging task for the veterinary team at Hellabrunn Zoo. Most animals do not allow themselves to be …

Insects as living syringes: Using predatory bugs to collect blood samples
Feuerwehrwagen vor dem Elefantenhaus im Tierpark Hellabrunn

Fire safety at the zoo: Hellabrunn and the Munich Fire Department

The zoo takes the safety of its visitors and animal residents very seriously and ensures this through its long-standing partnership with the Munich …

Fire safety at the zoo: Hellabrunn and the Munich Fire Department
Orang Jungtiere Siti und Sudin in Bukit Tiga Puluh

Cooperation agreement between Hellabrunn and FZS seals long-term partnership for orangutan project

Hellabrunn Zoo has been supporting the Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) for many years, helping to save endangered species in the FZS’s in-situ …

Cooperation agreement between Hellabrunn and FZS seals long-term partnership for orangutan project